
Woman raped in the lift at the milano Central Station: the alleged attacker arrested

It is a man of foreign origins with no fixed abode. He was identified thanks to the lift’s surveillance cameras which captured the scene. The victim arrived from Norway and was passing through Milan

A 35-year-old woman was raped yesterday inside an elevator at Milan Central Station as she went to catch the 6pm train to Paris.

the alleged attacker, a young 27-year-old Moroccan without documents, was tracked down and detained by the railway police and by the prosecutor on duty Alessia Menegazzo, who heads the ‘weak bands’ department of the Milan prosecutor’s office. the detention of the 27-year-old will have to be examined by the investigating judge in the next few hours

The man was identified thanks to the lift’s surveillance cameras which captured the whole scene and also show the woman during the attack trying to ask for help by pressing the alarm button. the images from the cameras, positioned inside and outside the lift, were not viewed live but acquired after the fact.

Meanwhile, an attempt is being made to give a precise name to the alleged attacker stopped in the Central Station area, whose personal details would answer to numerous aliases.

the victim arrived from Norway (but he is not Norwegian) and was passing through Milan on his way to the French capital. according to the first investigations by the investigators, around six in the morning she was dragged with her luggage inside the lift, “beaten and raped”, the victim said, as she squirmed and asked for help.

less than a month ago another violence in broad daylight took place on the regional train traveling from Milan to Bergamo. A 21-year-old girl was attacked by a man who got on the train and after another passenger in the car had left.

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