entertainment news
My Kpekus Test like H0rny, young lady brag as she show off her T0T0 [Video]

She was invited on stage to dance and she decided to take everything to the extreme
The internet has erupted after a lady. threw caution to the wind and turned up in a popular club (Quiver Lounge).

The popular Quiver Lounge along Thika hosted an event dubbed, Kamba Night, which brought together top Kamba artists, Ken Wa Maria and Katombi.
As Katombi was performing, a scantily. dressed lady took to the dancefloor and accidentally exposes her raw g00dies
The lady, who was shaking her
backs!de vigorously, continued dancing even after exposing her raw b@ckside to the revellers.
She had to wiggle her waist so hard for her blouse to go up so that everyone can see her panties.
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